Unforgettable Christmas
By Elevate City Church, Mission Team in North Africa
Christmas where we live is a time of hope, joy, and giving. But in the devastated slums of North Africa, where we met Ehlas and her 6 children, it’s just another day to survive. To cling to hope. Hope for the return of their father, who has been missing in the war-torn nation of Sudan since February. Hope for food on the table, and clean water to drink and the necessities we so often take for granted.
What if this Christmas season, you could help transform this broken, refugee family. A family that has literally nothing, not even a bed to sleep in. And what if your gift this Christmas could restore their hope?
Meet Ehlas, a mother of 6 young children who was forced to flee a devastated, war-torn home in Sudan. She led the trek northward for over a week, on an injured leg with a toddler in each arm.
Their journey led them away from the line of fire, but into a cramped apartment on the ninth floor of a crumbling building. Their home now consists of a single family-room with blankets but no couch or bed to sleep on… a kitchen with an open fire pit but no appliances… a bathroom but no access to running water… and NOTHING else. Yet even in the midst of their struggles, this family holds onto dwindling hope for a better future.
Sany, the oldest, dreams of becoming a doctor. The 12 yr old twins, Ramzes and Ramy who want to follow in their missing father’s footsteps as carpenters. Samaf, a 10 yr old-aspiring engineer whose smile lights up an otherwise dark room. And the two precious toddlers; Rauf and Meli; both too young to understand the dire circumstances their family is facing.
What we’re doing:
This weekend, 7 days into the Advent season, we had the chance to visit with this sweet family. We taught the kids two new songs, just before they shared with us a beautiful song about Jesus. After playing hot potato and duck-duck-goose, we shared the true message of the Christmas story of Emmanuel: God with Us and watched Ehlas’s face light up as we spoke about the hope of Jesus. Throughout our time with this family, they asked for NOTHING. Despite the darkness around them, they found a reason to smile. A reason for hope.
You can make a difference
Over the next three days we need your help in making this season unforgettable for Ehlas and her growing family. Together we can transform their lives. Visit the shop bellow to be the hands and feet of Jesus to this family by meeting critical needs like groceries, medical treatment, beds, funds for rent, and education for each of the kids. You can help transform their empty apartment into a place for them to call home this Christmas.