Driven from their country by war and genocide, Sudanese children and their families are struggling to survive.
Along the way many have lost their lives, and there is little hope for the future. Education is only a dream… but Center of Hope makes it real.
Hope for MENA is empowering the Nuba refugee community to help themselves.
Before the program at the Center of Hope, the children were on the streets, killing time and getting into trouble. Now these children have the opportunity to attend preparatory classes four days per week, where they are provided also with a daily lunch.
As a result of the training at the Center of Hope, last year we were able to enroll in school all the children. We’ve hired six teachers from the refugee community. The new ‘Good Friends School’ is growing fast and there are 150 children enrolled in it during this academical year.
All teachers are having a degree in education and are qualified to teach. They also have been receiving updated teaching training and are supervised in their classrooms by educational specialists.
Your donation today will help provide:
Opportunity to attend and stay in school
Nourishing Meals
Seasonal Clothes
Medical Care
Mentoring and Opportunities to hear the Good News
Sponsor a child who has been waiting over 6 months!
“ Watching chidden my age play, laugh, and enjoy their lives makes me wish I have a blessed life like theirs. Hoping to be a Doctor, so one day, I could help my mom and family when they get sick, because the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention!”, Bianca, 7 years old.
“Egypt is my home, but my heart lies in Sudan! One of the reasons I want to become a sea-captain so as to travel the world, help the needy, and visit my homeland whenever I wish, for the unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves”, Fady, 9 years old.
“ I see engineers building homes everyday in my neighbourhood, which makes me enthusiastic to become one, so I can build my own home and more homes for refugees, lead a group of people to serve their society, and as we create light for others, we naturally light our own way!”, Ezbo, 7 years old.
“ Although the roots of education is bitter, it makes the best fruits! I love learning new skills that could enable me to be a professor someday. I’m sad that Sudan is harsh on its people despite our love to her! Someday, I’ll go back and open a school”, Monzir, 12 years old.
“ Because to travel is to live, I wish I could someday be a pilot to travel the world and see what it really is. The horizon has no limits and so are my dreams!”, Stefanos, 11 years old.
“ Many things can change us, but we start and end with our families! I miss my family back in Sudan, where we had so much fun! I wish I could somehow bring my family back together and live like many families do in the world”, Eman, 13 years old