By Barbara Palmer, UK
That was the first question I asked when I arrived in North Africa. I desired to help people that were in need, but was not sure how I could best help.
Within the first few days I visited several projects that take place in Cairo. One of them focuses on the Sudanese refugees who fled their homes in Sudan due to a horrific war.
The current civil war in Sudan began in 2013. Millions of women and children fled to Egypt and other countries for safety, while husbands and fathers stayed to fight, and many lost their lives. The refugee families that survived were left traumatized, unwelcome in their new communities, unable to find jobs, and without the slightest hope of a future.
Continuing education is necessary for the Sudanese children to eventually find jobs to support their families. However, these students are not able to afford enrollment in a local school without a sponsor. Many children, find themselves with nothing to do, even though they are desperate to continue their education.
Thankfully, there have been committed men and women who desire to see these Sudanese families heal and find hope. There are educational centers in local neighborhoods that provide basic education for the Sudanese refugee children. After attending the Center of Hope for 6 months the children are able to enroll into regular schools that will then provide them with a formal education.
Training refugee teachers at the Sunrise Educational Center
Would you prayerfully consider joining me on this journey as I partner with God to redeem and restore broken lives? You can help sponsor a child to attend school, or feed one of the 90 refugee children waiting for meals at the Sunrise Educational Center in Cairo.