
The Girl Who Clashed After Her Dreams

This young girl decided to ignore the desperate and harsh reality that she lives and decided to create her own alternate world. 

From the garbage surrounding her, she collected a rugged piece of wood and placed it on long metal pieces and built a desk. She discovered a broken, discarded and old telephone, an outworn chair and slowly, her vision was becoming a reality.

Quickly, she went and gathered her books and her crummy, yet wholeheartedly cherished, school bag and sat down at her newly created desk. It may have once been a collection of discarded and lost pieces, but it was now her opportunity to a brighter future.

From garbage, this young girl saw an opportunity, through access to education, to make her world a better place.

Five million girls in North Africa have never attended primary school and more than 69 percent of illiterate are women. In studies, we found out that parents are less willing to invest in their daughters because the girls are more likely to just stay at home or get married and move away. 

Marriage should be a time for celebration and joy – unless you are one of the million girls in North Africa forced into marriage before the age of 18.

Imagine the life those girls — who are 7, 10 or even 16 years of age — endure. Child brides have a diminished chance of completing their education and are at a higher risk of being physically abused, contracting diseases, and dying while pregnant or giving birth.

But it doesn't have to be this way. Please join us in helping bring an end to this gross human rights violation that puts the lives of 39,000 more young girls at risk every single day. 

Amira has stood against all odds, found beauty in the garbage and chased after an education that will lead her to a brighter future.

You can make a difference. Invest in Amira's life by helping her get a better education.