
The Hope of Refuge for Sarah

Written by Cindi Runyon; Video by Jacob Mkhitarian, USA

The news talks of the genocide in Sudan and the intentional persecution of Christians living there. It seems so far away, but today we met Sarah.

Sarah followed the path of 4 million other Christians to escape the horrors of daily bombings and intense persecution. Abandoned by her husband, living in caves to protect herself and her five children, she made the hard decision to flee with them here to North Africa.

For Sarah, this place offers the hope of refuge. However, the living conditions here are intolerable and still she must worry about her children day and night.

After the long and dangerous journey here, she met another woman with two young children whom Sarah agreed to care for while the woman went to look for work. She has not seen her since.

On top of it all, she injured her hip on the long journey and now suffers from rheumatoid arthritis.

So now with seven children in a tiny flat, she cares for them in pain while her 15 years old son must work as a house cleaner to support them. An education is too costly to hope for.

Sarah’s constant prayer is that God will help her raise these children to adulthood, in the hope they will be able to care for themselves one day.

We asked her how we could pray.

She responded, “Just pray for the children.”

Seven months ago, Sarah cried out to God for help as she fled persecution.

Our team visiting Sarah’s family in North Africa

Our team visiting Sarah’s family in North Africa

Many friends have asked us how they can help.

Now we have an answer. We are here to care for this one family. Just one. This is on one of their walls and it says, “God loves us.“

Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus to this family in need.

We can bring help. We can offer refuge. You can offer comfort, strength and hope. All in the name of Jesus.

Join us right now in prayer to help Sarah and her family.