The war in Sudan has caused families to be torn apart. Men are sending their families away to keep them safe, but are often killed in the war leaving their wives alone in a strange land.

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.’”
This is the story of Naomi.
A passionate American team of followers of Jesus have got the chance to visit Naomi’s family this week and they are aiming to transform her life in just a couple of days. This is what they learned after the home visit:
Naomi’s husband sent her and their daughters to safety in a foreign land, but she was left widowed a year ago. This left her family completely devastated. Naomi’s only hope is in God.
She can only work two days a week to provide some basic food for the kids and barely pay the rent because she does not have childcare for her baby and her oldest daughters cannot afford to go to school.
The girls dream of becoming doctors and lawyers to repair their homeland. Naomi’s only dream is for her girls to grow up safely and follow their dreams. Many of these dreams are attainable.
Naomi has only one broken mattress and a small bag of clothes to call her own. They have no food and running water. No furniture or blankets to stay warm during the coming winter. However, Naomi takes care to keep her home clean because it is all she has.
With an education these girls can grow up safely and continue to university. Naomi can also be empowered through training and education.
The hope is there for this family to no longer feel alone and forgotten.
We have set up a shop where you can donate or purchase items to restore hope to Naomi and her daughters. We invite you to join us over the next three days in purchasing a gift of hope.
Our team will personally deliver them at the end of the week. Your generosity will make an incredible impact on Naomi’s family by restoring hope and letting them know they are seen, valued and loved.