What happens when we do good together? — Hope for MENA


The most dire needs for Ehlas’ family: groceries, rent, medical aid and children’s education

What happens when we do good together?

For the last 20 years, Sudan has been in a Civil War causing approximately 2 million refugees. They are suffering intense persecution and daily bombings fleeing to escape forces that daily hunt them down.

Many have come to the slums of North Africa trying to rebuild their lives. It seems so far away, but today we met Mary and Hannah who are two single mothers raising children alone between the ages of 2 and 13.

This is what we saw when we visited.

Meet Mary. Mary has been in North Africa for a year after losing her husband to the Sudan warfare. She works as a house cleaner barely able to pay rent. Access to running water is nearly impossible, food is scarce and the electricity does not work. The 2 boys share a broken twin mattress in one room and Mary and her 3 other kids sleep on the floor. The 5 children cannot attend school and have no toys to play with or books to read.

Now, meet Hannah.

Living in North Africa for 5 years, she and her children suffered physical and mental abuse at the hands of her husband. He eventually abandons them and Hannah has to raise the children alone. Due to the abuse, Hannah is in dire need of medical attention. This prevents her from having steady work. They have a broken toilet, and 2 buckets to shower in, because they have no running water. The children are home all day sitting on blankets on the floor with no activities, overcome by deep sadness. 

What’s next? They need our help.

We have set up a shop where you can donate or purchase items to transform their living spaces into homes. We invite you to join us in purchasing gifts of hope over the next 3 days. Our team will personally deliver them at the end of the week.

Your generosity will make an incredible impact on these family’s lives, restoring hope, and letting them know they are seen, valued and loved.
