
Healing through Hygiene

In the small refugee city, the wind, cars, tuk-tuks, and never-ending parade of pedestrians kick up a constant stream of dust from the dirt streets. This debris settles in a fine layer on every window, every wall, every table, every surface, and every person.

This is simply their environment and there is little to no understanding of germs among the children of the Center. We want to start changing that.


This week the team held a small class during the school time on basic personal hygiene. Planned and prepared by medical professionals in the team, the class focused on the importance and methods of both handwashing and toothbrushing.

We made use of blue powder food coloring to show how germs on one child's hands could easily spread to another child by contact. We then had our volunteers wash their hands while we discussed the proper method, areas, and length of time. We emphasized the importance of handwashing in preventing sickness within themselves and their families.

Next, assisted by a large alligator puppet, we showed the children the how and how long to brush their teeth each morning and night. We also took time to explain about normal tooth loss at a young age and some simple home remedies to combat cavities and tooth pain.

Lastly, through donations, each child was provided a small medical kit.


The children were attentive and engaged. They were quick to volunteer to demonstrate and answered the follow-up questions with ease.

We can only hope that many of them will internalize these lessons and make these activities a part of their daily routines. They now understand that little actions now can kickstart life long improvements.

Understanding is the first step to betterment and we hope that this afternoon of education will create habits that will empower these children to live brighter, healthier, longer lives.

Written by Sara Chappell for Hope for MENA